
Showing posts from April, 2018

Digi Pak and Magazine advert feedback

Once we presented our idea of the magazine adverts to the class we got alot of postive feedback given to us such as they preferred our first idea of the magazine advert which shows multiple sections with a different image within each one, they liked the fact it linked in well with the creation of our music video with each image being linked to different personalities of the three people in our video. They thought it was a very creative idea as well with using our own photography to do this advert, they said we would have challenges creating this idea but that is what we are aiming for, for something to give us a challenge and to create something that will reach our full potential. They also said they liked the colours we was thinking of using. A comment that was said to may be improve our creation was to use more sections and more images as they thought four sections were too simple.  With our second idea of our magazine adverts they said it was too much like a convent...

Magazine Advert(In the making)

 Day One Today we started to create our magazine advert. The image on the left is similar to the image on our Digi pak front cover however we have added two more sections with two different images to show more of the characters personalities. We did not want to copy our Digi pak image as we wanted to be more creative and with this image it  is different but it also links with our Digi pak and our music video.  We experimented with the black lines showing the different sections and how bold we wanted them. Day Two On the second day of creating our magazine advert we started to experiment with the different font types to see which would fit and look right on the advert, in the end we researched the font Lorde uses and decided to use that as we wanted to link her in. In the image the background looks plain black however we used part of an image which has a black textured background and used it for ours as we thought it would be more creative.

Digi Pak(In the Making)

Day One  Today we started to create our Digi pak album front cover, as this was our first time using fireworks it challenged us to create the image we wanted to make. Once we was familiar with the tools within the programme we got the hang of using the polygon tool and placing the images in the right place. Once all the images were in the correct place we added the text onto the top layer, our choice of font was because this is the typical font type Lorde uses. Once we had created the front cover we was very happy with how the Digi pak was going to look. When creating the image we used images that portrayed the characters different personalities. Day Two  On our second day of creating our Digi pak we tried exploring the different image effect tools and playing about with each image. The image on the right shows us experimenting with different effects to see which would fit our theme of Lorde. We are not very happy with this Digi pak creation and therefore are goi...

Evaluation Question One Planning

For this first evaluation question I am going to identify the forms and conventions of the Indie pop genre as well as searching for the things that are commonly used within some videos. Once I have found the conventions of the pop indie genre I am then going to apply them to our product and our ancillary products. I am also going to include some previous research from what Andrew Goodwin found with his theory on music videos. I am planning on designing this evaluation question on Emaze as I think it will develop creatively and give me a chance to show my potential in what I can create.   The image on the left shows some of the research and planning I have accumulated over the time it has taken me to answer the first question. This has help me plan each individual page and the information I want to include within this evaluation question. 

Artist research

Final shooting script

Final shooting script   Shot number Shot type Shot description Shot duration (seconds) 1 Overhead shot Protagonist (teenage girl) playing the piano 5 2 Establishing shot Protagonist playing the piano; showing the location too 6 3 Close up Protagonist in the back of a taxi, crying and distressed 4 4 Mid-shot Protagonist wiping her tears, face concealed beneath her hands 4 5 Extreme close up Protagonist’s mouth taking a sip of alcohol 3 6 Wide shot Protagonist getting out of taxi 3 7 Tracking shot Following protagonist walking down the road 3 8 Mid close up, intertwined with an overlay mid shot Protagonist sitting on a wall, overlaid with a boy and a girl having fun (flashback of a previous happy) relationship 5 9 Tracking ...

Potential Idea feedback

Our first idea: Most of the class liked the first idea, they said they liked the narrative behind the lyrics and they liked the fact it was a creative idea. Our second idea: This idea had the lease detail added to it I think this was because it was not one of our strongest ideas, however they did like the narrative included. Our third idea: When presenting this idea to the class they were really keen on myself and Alice doing this idea, they said it was a creative and unique idea, however they mentioned how it could be a challenge sorting times out and locations were we could film the footage with the band as they do get busy, although I do like a challenge. They said they liked our idea of it being in black and white and as well as it being a narrative telling the story of how far the band has come it is also a performance video as they will be playing their instruments and singing. They had written down that we had gone into good depth with our ideas so they could understand...

Potential ideas

This is a Prezi to show my potential ideas

First Cut Feedback

Today we presented our first cut Liability music video to our peers within the class, throughout the course of this we received both positive and negative feedback. The positive aspects of this were that they understood the narrative clearly and that it fitted in well with the genre and the tone of the music we had chosen, they also commented on how the choice of having multiple uses of slow motion clips worked realty well and it helped reflect the tone of the song.   However some of the negative comments included the fact that our choice of song was very slow and it did not engaged them to want to watch more in other words it was a bit dreary and dull, they also commented on how the beginning clip was not in time with the music and needed to be re shot. Our peers also disliked the ending of narrative as they expected more of a twist.   In conclusion to receiving this feedback we are concerned about some of the feedback we received, but we are going to try and save the ...

photographic story board

These images below are showing our photographic storyboard including all the angles, camera work and props we are going to include when we are filming our product.  

First draft Digi Pak

This was our first draft of our Digi Pak idea in a drawing style. Both our magazine advert and our Digi Pak link together with the images we have used as they both link in with the theme of personalities. However we have decided to add more segments to our Digi Pak to show more of a difference.  This is an image of one of the many images we had from trying out multiple different layouts to notice which one would fit our expectation the most. We also tried many different images to decide which ones portrayed our theme of spilt personalities the most.         This image is showing myself trying to edit an image on a website, this was to try and reflect our theme of the spilt personalities showing the character with different coloured lips, hair and makeup.                     This collage is one we tried with the different layouts, I tried this using an app called M...

Video and Ancilliary product feedback

In regards to our magazine advert our media peers were satisified with our product and said it clearly showed our theme of spilt personalities, they also supposed that the colours linked well together, therefore making the image in the centre look professional as well as them saying it looked more appealing due to us using our own original photos.   Reverting to our Digi Pak the peers said that the message we were creating was easily read from the images we had used throughout it as well as it effectively reflecting our music video which I was pleased to hear.   There were a few improvements the peers suggested we could make, the first one being that we needed to add the spines to the CD cover which we already knew we needed to complete as well as to considered different images on the inner sides as they may clash. Some criticisms towards our magazine advert was to add certain embellishments that would help enhance the products, features such as the QR c...

Final Ancillary products

These images are showing my completed ancillary products including my magazine advert and my CD cover, both products include original photos we had taken in the previous weeks to show more of a unique creation.