Digi Pak and Magazine advert feedback

Once we presented our idea of the magazine adverts to the class we got alot of postive feedback given to us such as they preferred our first idea of the magazine advert which shows multiple sections with a different image within each one, they liked the fact it linked in well with the creation of our music video with each image being linked to different personalities of the three people in our video. They thought it was a very creative idea as well with using our own photography to do this advert, they said we would have challenges creating this idea but that is what we are aiming for, for something to give us a challenge and to create something that will reach our full potential. They also said they liked the colours we was thinking of using. A comment that was said to may be improve our creation was to use more sections and more images as they thought four sections were too simple. 

With our second idea of our magazine adverts they said it was too much like a conventional magazine advert for that genre of music which is not creative as well as being too simple.

Once they had looked at our Digi Pak idea they said liked our front cover as it was similar to our magazine advert image, they said they would prefer to see the same sectioned images on both the Digi Pak and the magazine advert to link both of them together. They liked the ideas of different images of the three different character in the inside of the digi pak however because we had not completed the colour they asked questions about the who each character was.
