Initial thoughts and feelings

What are you looking forward to and why?
I think I am looking forward to filming the music video itself as it is a new thing for me and i think i will learn a lot more skills during the process, i think also using a new program to edit our product is going to be a new adventure and mainly exciting.

What are you nervous about doing and why?
I think even though i am looking forward to filming our product, i am also nervous as it is a lot different to our AS with relating to the timing as a music video is going to be longer and it is going to take a lot more thinking when it comes to the narrative or performance side of the product. I am also nervous for creating our digipaks and magazine advert as it is something i have never done before. 

How do you feel about print media text?
I think creating a magazine advert and a digipak is going to be exciting, its a new experience for all of us and it it allowing us to be more skillful with our product and to use a variety of different programs and software's will be good. 

What do you expect to be the most difficult stage?  
I think i am expecting the digipak and magazine advert to be the most difficult stage as it is something i have never experience doing, i mean i think it will be interesting but it will bring challenges into the course which is a good thing. 
