Potential Idea feedback

Our first idea:
Most of the class liked the first idea, they said they liked the narrative behind the lyrics and they liked the fact it was a creative idea.

Our second idea:
This idea had the lease detail added to it I think this was because it was not one of our strongest ideas, however they did like the narrative included.

Our third idea:
When presenting this idea to the class they were really keen on myself and Alice doing this idea, they said it was a creative and unique idea, however they mentioned how it could be a challenge sorting times out and locations were we could film the footage with the band as they do get busy, although I do like a challenge. They said they liked our idea of it being in black and white and as well as it being a narrative telling the story of how far the band has come it is also a performance video as they will be playing their instruments and singing.

They had written down that we had gone into good depth with our ideas so they could understand were was going with each one, they also said that each idea linked with the genre especially the last idea. The only thing that people suggested was that we included more information about the theorist we have recently been researching about. 
