
Showing posts from February, 2018

Draft shooting script feedback

These images are the feedback I received once my peers analysed it and they discussed the strengths and weaknesses to us.

Evaluation Question Three

Google Slides Evaluation Question Three Above is the link which will take you to my answer to the evaluation question three.

Evaluation Question Four

Here is a video of myself explaining question four of the evaluation questions, I have edited the video with IMovie maker.

Evaluation Question One


Evaluation Question Two

Evaluation Question Three Planning

What have you learnt form your audience feedback? In order to answer this question I am going to have to look back into my blog to notice what parts of the course I received feedback on and then explain what I learnt from receiving each part of the feedback and how it helped me in further development. I am going to answer this question using Google slides as i think it has useful presentation tools as well as it enabling me to explain my answer in paragraphs which do not look too lengthy. This image is sh owing some of the planning I did at the beginning of answering the question. This helped me create a detailed answer.

Evaluation Question Four Planning

In order to answer this evaluation question I need to write a detailed script of what I would like to explain within the video I am going to make, I am going to have to think about what media technologies I have used and the reason for using each one. Once I have created each video clip I am going to edit them on IMovie maker on my IPhone 6S. The images below are the script I have created, this helped me explain my points in detail as well as it helping the audience read what I was saying.

Evaluation question two planning

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary products?   In order for me to answer this question I am going to have to compare all of my products and look at the similarities and differences to each product. In the image navigated on the left it is presenting my planning for this question and some of the ideas I came up with during the process of creating the answer. I have decided to create a Prezi to explain the answer to this question as I think Prezi is a good source to present the information on as well as it being another format to answer these evaluation questions.