Applying narrative theory Propp
Vladimir Propp was a Russian critic. He says there are 8 different characters types within a typical story. 1. The hero- who seeks something 2. The villain- who opposes or blocks the hero from doing his quest 3. The donor- who provides an object of magical properties 4. The dispatcher- who sends his or her quest via message 5. The false hero- who makes false claims disputing the hero's success 6. The helper- who aids the hero 7. The princess- who acts as the reward for the hero 8. The father This music video is a good example when it comes to applying Propps theory. Taylor swift herself is the hero within the music video as she saves the boy from the cheating girlfriend and when he is sad she is there to help. The boy within the video is the princess. He is a reward to Taylor swift herself as at the beginning she wants him and writes him a note saying" I love you" but she can not have that reward until the end. The girlf...