Applying Goodwins theory- video 3 Rap
I thought I would include the rap genre as it is different compared to any pop or indie music video. 1. This music video clearly demonstrates the rap genres characteristics as Eminem himself is wearing casual clothing which is only usually worn in rap videos. There are also uses of direct contact with camera allowing the artist to show his emotions through the way he is acting. Most rap videos show the artist set in rough areas which is wear Eminem is located. 2. Straight away the first line says he is not afraid with him standing on the edge of a high building, here I can notice there is a clear relationship between the lyrics and the visuals . 3. There are also uses of close ups including the artist as this is a way of himself showing the way he is feeling through his facial expressions and the way he moves. 4. There is also a relationship between the music and the visuals as the way he moves is to the beat of the music. ...